Some Considerations
While there are several types of virtualization, many companies utilize just a few. Implementing a few more types provides additional benefits for flexibility, scalability and cost savings.
ZAG Technical Services offers clients a comprehensive, consultative review session to discuss key success-enabling technologies, perhaps expand your data center, adding Infrastructure, extending your use of virtualization technology, or moving some services to the Cloud.
Onsite Assessment
ZAG TechTalk workshops are designed to align your Business initiatives with applicable technology solutions. Each workshop is led by a Senior Solution Architect and a Business Development Executive, and consists of a 1-2 hour technical discussion to review your Business initiatives and pain-points to strategically align the appropriate Virtualization solution(s) to your specific business needs and requirements.
Technology Roadmap
ZAG will take a holistic view of your IT environment and detail solutions that will enable you to succeed. Organizations will receive a customized Technology Roadmap document that details the assessment’s outcomes such as: initiatives, recommended solution(s) and suggested next steps with timelines.

Virtualization Technology
Virtualization is a software that creates virtual (instead of physical) versions of things like: applications, desktops, servers, operating systems, hardware, storage and more. It is the fundamental technology powering cloud computing and is changing the way organizations do business.
Today, most companies are using some form of Virtualization, because it can increases ROI and reduce downtime by making better use of existing hardware. Even small businesses can use Virtualization to reduce operational costs, increase application availability and decrease support resources.
Although most companies use some form of Virtualization, many are not satisfied with their deployments. Part of the reason is that technology keeps changing. There are simply more options that can help companies scale, grow and cut costs.
TyPes of Virtualization
Application Virtualization
Services and cloud-based applications improve how software security updates are pushed, and how software is rolled out.
Operating System
This will reduce the amount of physical hardware, which saves money on hardware but also on energy, cabling, rack space, and IT time.
Storage Virtualization
Pool storage subsystems into one manageable entity.
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
VDI enables desktops apps to be run off a server, which are accessed by the end-user over the network. Fewer service tickets and easier app updates.
Network Virtualization
Combines all physical networks into a single resource that increases network speed and efficiency.
Server Virtualization
Significant cost savings when eliminating physical servers.