Solutions for Flexibility and Growth
In uncertain times, smart executives look for flexibility in their IT investments, especially in capex intensive projects like data centers. They consider multiple data center options, including on-premise infrastructure, virtualization, and cloud solutions. Each solution solves different challenges, and most organizations will benefit from more than one. But which one?
One of the biggest IT challenges today is driving more value, efficiency, and utilization from corporate data centers. While companies decide how to modernize infrastructure, data center choices are expanding. Which means meeting your short-term needs and ignoring the future is not a viable option. It’s certainly not a cost-effective decision. Companies need to be ready to respond to future demands and ever-changing technology complexities. Flexibility matters.
Should you modernize or Build New?
Signs You May Need A (New) Data Center
- Existing IT infrastructure not meeting the demands of the business, its employees, and customers
- Limited rack space
- A need to host business applications, databases, or high-performance compute services
- Hardware has no cooling system
- Need more power/circuits
- Running out of disk or rack space
- Data capture, storage, analysis and processing is growing exponentially faster than your existing systems handle
- Running out of power leading to increased downtime
- Servers are getting maxed out, impacting employee productivity
- No room to add new servers
- Hardware is old or outdated, and equipment lifecycle management is not in place to help inform optimal investment decisions
Location is everything
The location of your data center is just as crucial as the data center itself.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

On-Premise Data Centers

Cloud Data Centers

Offsite Data Centers

Hybrid Data Centers